
A fan transformation of Bowser using the Super Crown, based on a comic by ayyk92. The trend went viral in September 2018.

Bowsette's appearance is a fusion of Princess Peach and Bowser. She typically has Peach's body (but often taller and stronger), hairstyle, sphere earrings and chest jewel, with Bowser's turtle shell, spiked tail, sharp teeth, horns, and claw-like sharp fingernails. She usually wears a black strapless dress or strapless leotard, sometimes with an open skirt, with black thighhighs.

An alternate version sometimes has red hair and dark skin.

Her Japanese name is Koopa-hime (lit. "Princess Bowser"). Other early names were Bowserette, Peacher, Princess Koopa, Peach Bowser, Princess Bowser, and... Beach.




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基于Ayyk92的漫画,使用Super Crown对Bowser进行粉丝转换。趋势在2018年9月传播。


她的日本名字叫koopa-hime(点亮。“公主鲍尔”)。其他早期的名字是Bowserette,Peacher,Koopa公主,桃Bowser,Bowser Princess和... Beach。
类型 角色
英文名 bowsette
日文名 クッパ姫
别名 库巴公主;クッパ姫;bowsette;库巴姬