
Hair that drapes forward to hang in front of the forehead. Known in British English as a fringe.

As it would apply to almost every post on the site, the base bangs tag is no longer used.

Types of bangs

crossed bangs - For bangs that criss-cross each other on the forehead
colored bangs - For bangs that are colored differently from the rest of the hair
long bangs - For unusually long bangs that go past the eyes at least
loosely tucked bangs - Uncut, very long bangs being tucked away to the side but still hangs loosely over the face
short bangs - For bangs short enough to at least fully show the eyebrows
v-bangs - A variant of blunt bangs that are longer in the middle than the sides and come to a distinct point in the center, forming a "V" shape on the forehead
wispy bangs - For bangs with large gaps of air between them

This tag is deprecated and can't be added to new posts.

类型 状态&特征
英文名 bangs
日文名 前髪
别名 刘海;前髪;刘海;瀏海