final fantasy xiv
Second Final Fantasy MMORPG by Square Enix.
Initially a commercial and critical failure, the world of Final Fantasy XIV was temporarily shut down in an event known as the Seventh Umbral Calamity before being rebooted and relaunched as Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, which takes place five years after. Since then, the game has received major critical acclaim both as an entry in the Final Fantasy series and an MMORPG, and has received five expansions. In Feburary 2022 SE Creative Studio III outlined plans for another 10 years of service.
Playable Races
- Hyur (Hume equivalent)
- Elezen (Elvaan equivalent)
- Lalafell (Tarutaru equivalent)
- Roegadyn (Galka equivalent)
- Miqo'te (Mithra equivalent)
- Au Ra
- Viera
- Hrothgar
For tagging purposes, use race name as above rather than names given in The First or Xak Tural.
Major NPCs
Scions of the Seventh Dawn
- Adventurer (the player character as depicted in promotional trailers and art, in contrast to player-made Adventurers)
- Urianger Augurelt
- Krile Baldesion
- Lyse Hext
- Yda Hext
- Alphinaud Leveilleur
- Alisaie Leveilleur
- Y'shtola Rhul
- Tataru Taru
- G'raha Tia
- Papalymo Totolymo
- Minfilia Warde
- Thancred Waters
- Estinien Wyrmblood
- Raubahn Aldynn
- Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn
- Aymeric de Borel
- Crystal Exarch
- Ysayle Dangoulain
- Gosetsu Everfall
- Cid nan Garlond
- Haurchefant Greystone
- Hythlodaeus
- Yugiri Mistwalker
- Nanamo Ul Namo
- Hien Rijin
- Ryne Waters
- Gaia
- Kan-E-Senna
- Venat
- Zero
- Gaius van Baelsar
- Asahi sas Brutus
- Yotsuyu goe Brutus
- Fordola rem Lupis
- Elidibus
- Emet-Selch
- Fandaniel
- Ilberd Feare
- Zenos yae Galvus
- Hermes
- Lahabrea
- The Endsinger
- Nero tol Scaeva
- Warriors of Darkness
Other NPC Races
- Garlean
- Padjal
- Goblin
- Mamool Ja
- Moogle
- Namazu
- Qiqirn
- Tonberry
- Pixie (tag as others, not female/male unless clearly depicted as such)
- Loporrit
The following tags are aliased to this tag: ff14 and ffxiv (learn more).
This tag implicates final_fantasy (learn more).
出于标记目的,请使用上述竞赛名称,而不是第一个或Xak Tural中给出的名称。