flandre scarlet
A Touhou character (alt. spelling Frandre, Flandoll, Frandoll). The "Diabolic Wave". Extra Stage boss of Touhou's Embodiment of Scarlet Devil and Playable Character in Sunken Fossil World.
The younger, mentally unstable sister of Remilia Scarlet, sealed in the basement of the Scarlet Devil Mansion for 495 years because of her ability to cause wanton destruction. Despite her sheltered life, she is fond of her sister, usually never tries to leave the mansion, and in more recent works such as Foul Detective Satori has shown a remarkable growth in stability and self-awareness. Flandre is easily distinguished by her unique, multicolored crystal wings.
Sometimes drawn with her weapon, Laevatein. Alternatively, it might be depicted as a tail; see laevatein (tail).
Fan-made Variations
- Yami Flan: A yandere version of Flandre. Pixiv Encyclopedia Entry is here.
- Flan-maman: An aged up, married, motherly version of Flandre, from Goma's work.
- Four of a Kind
- Laevatein
- pool #1628 - Fancy Winged Flandre
External links
The following tags implicate this tag: flandre_scarlet_(bat) and flandre_scarlet_(yukata) (learn more).
雷米利亚·斯卡特(Remilia Scarlet)的年轻,精神上不稳定的姐姐在猩红色魔鬼豪宅的地下室被密封了495年,因为她的能力造成肆意的破坏。尽管她的庇护生活,但她还是喜欢姐姐,通常从不试图离开豪宅,在最近的著作中,例如犯规侦探Satori,在稳定和自我意识上表现出了显着的增长。弗兰德(Flandre)很容易通过她独特的彩色水晶翅膀而区分。