hata no kokoro
The "Expressive Poker Face." Final boss of Touhou 13.5, Hopeless Masquerade, and also a playable character in that game.
She is a menreiki, a kind of youkai who was born from the legendary masks of Hata no Kawakatsu. She has the ability to manipulate emotions, but cannot express emotion with her own face; rather, she relies on her collection of sixty-six masks to show her feelings, each representing a different emotion.
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“富有表现力的扑克面孔”。 Touhou 13.5的最终老板,绝望的化装舞会,也是该游戏中的可玩角色。
她是Menreiki,是一种来自Hata No Kawakatsu的传奇面具的Youkai。她有能力操纵情绪,但无法用自己的脸表达情绪。相反,她依靠自己的66个面具的收藏来表达自己的感受,每种都代表了不同的情感。
她是Menreiki,是一种来自Hata No Kawakatsu的传奇面具的Youkai。她有能力操纵情绪,但无法用自己的脸表达情绪。相反,她依靠自己的66个面具的收藏来表达自己的感受,每种都代表了不同的情感。