idolmaster side-m
A mobile game spin-off of iDOLM@STER launched in 2014, this time focusing on producing for the male idols of the 315 Productions agency.
The members of Jupiter from iDOLM@STER 2's 961 Productions are included in the roster, with Akizuki Ryou of Dearly Stars' 876 Productions being added later as part of his own unit.
In March 2015, voices began to be introduced for the idols, starting with the unit DRAMATIC STARS. ST@RTING LINE, a series of music CDs featuring them and other units, also began to be released by Lantis throughout the year.
In December 2015, a Twitter-based poll called the New Idol Discovery Project (新アイドル発掘オーディション) was run to select three new idols from a pool of nine candidates to form a new unit, with the winners being announced a month later. The winners (Amehiko, Koron, and Sora) were later implemented into the game in July 2016 as the idol group Legenders. The other six candidates have not been put into the game as of late.
In February 2017, Bandai Namco announced the development of The iDOLM@STER SideM Live on St@ge!, a mobile spinoff. The game serves as a male counterpart to Starlight Stage, as it is a rhythm game utilizing 3D models of the 315 idols for in-game performances. They also announced a SideM anime adaptation, with further details being revealed on "315 Day" (March 15). The anime premiered in the fall of 2017.
In 2021, a third game, THE iDOLM@STER SideM GROWING STARS, was announced following the closure of LIVE ON ST@GE!.
Cafe Parade
Dramatic Stars
High x Joker
Shinsoku Ikkon
The Kogado
New Idol Discovery Project Candidates
In-universe productions
External links
The following tags are aliased to this tag: idolmaster_side_m, idolmaster_sidem, and side-m (learn more).
This tag implicates idolmaster (learn more).
The following tags implicate this tag: idolmaster_side-m_growing_stars and idolmaster_side-m_live_on_stage! (learn more).
名册中包括Idolm@ster 2的961件作品的木星成员,而《 Dearly Stars》的876部作品的Akizuki Ryou稍后将作为他自己的单位的一部分添加。
2015年3月,从单位戏剧性的明星开始,开始为偶像引入声音。 ST@Rting Line是一系列音乐CD和其他单元的一系列音乐CD,也开始全年由Lantis发行。
2017年2月,Bandai Namco宣布了iDolm@ster Sidem Live的开发,这是一个移动衍生产品的ST@ge!。该游戏是男性舞台阶段的男性,因为这是一种节奏游戏,利用315个偶像的3D模型进行游戏中的表演。他们还宣布了一场赛义德动漫的改编,并在“ 315天”(3月15日)中揭示了更多细节。动漫于2017年秋季首播。
2021年,第三场比赛,即iDolm@ster Sidem成长的明星,宣布在ST@ge!上Live关闭后宣布。
以下标签暗示此标签:idolmaster_side-m_growing_stars和idolmaster_side-m_live_on_stage! (了解更多)。