konjiki no yami

Konjiki no Yami (金色の闇, lit. Golden Darkness), is a major character from To LOVE-Ru and To LOVE-Ru Darkness. She is portrayed as the deadliest assassin in the galaxy who is hired to kill protagonist Yuuki Rito, but instead ends up falling in love with him.

Her character design, including shapeshifting abilities and weaponized body, is based on Eve of the Black Cat manga, which was written and drawn by the artist of To LOVE-Ru, Yabuki Kentarou.


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Konjiki no Yami(金色の暗,Lit。GoldenDarkness)是一个主要角色,从爱情到爱情,再到love-ru黑暗。她被描绘成银河系中最致命的刺客,被雇用杀死主人公尤基·里托(Yuuki Rito),但最终爱上了他。

她的角色设计,包括变形的能力和武器化的身体,是基于黑猫漫画的前夕,该漫画是由love-ru的艺术家Yabuki Kentarou撰写和绘制的。
类型 角色
英文名 konjiki no yami
日文名 金色の闇
别名 konjiki no yami;金色の闇;金色の闇;ヤミ