moriya suwako
The "Epitome of Native Gods" (土着神の頂点).
Extra Stage boss of Touhou game number 10, Mountain of Faith and later a playable character in Touhou 12.3 Hisoutensoku.
Mountain goddess and original patron deity of the Moriya Shrine before losing it to Yasaka Kanako, but has remained a fixture in the shrine. She has the power to create earth. Direct ancestor of the shrine's miko, Kochiya Sanae. Suwako joined Sanae and Kanako upon moving into Gensokyo, although she is less troubled by the waning faith of people from the outside world than the latter two.
"Suwako is a god that takes the form of a frog". Her dress, her move in Hisoutensoku, and fanarts heavily depict this fact. This led to Kanako adopting snakes as her motif, symbolizing her victory over Suwako.
Her hat has almost become an entity of its own in fanarts, due to the imposing, leering eyes on top of it.
- Yasaka Kanako - fellow goddess of the Moriya Shrine
- Kochiya Sanae - descendant and shrine maiden
- Pyonta - Suwako's hat. Only use when hat acting independently of Suwako.
- Moriya's Iron Rings - Suwako's weapons
- Mishaguji - Suwako's underlings
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山女神和莫里亚神社的原始顾客神失去了Yasaka Kanako,但仍然是神社的固定装置。她有能力创造地球。神社的米科(Kochiya Sanae)的直接祖先。 Suwako进入Gensokyo时加入Sanae和Kanako,尽管她对外界人民的信念的烦恼不如后两者所困扰。
“ Suwako是以青蛙形式的上帝”。她的衣服,在Hisoutensoku中移动,而Fanarts大量描述了这一事实。这导致卡纳科(Kanako)采用蛇作为她的主题,象征着她击败苏瓦科(Suwako)的胜利。