nakatani iku
Nakatani Iku is one of the available idols in the mobile game THE iDOLM@STER: Million Live!
She has brown eyes and short black hair.
- Attribute: Princess
- Age: 10
- Height: 142cm
- Weight: 37kg
- BWH: 72.0cm-52.0cm-73.0cm
- Birthday: November 16 (Sagittarius)
- Blood type: B
- Handedness: Right
- Hobbies: Watching animation
- Special skill: Waking early
- Likes: Mother
- Voice actress: Harashima Akari (原嶋あかり)
See Also
Nakatani iku是手机游戏中的偶像偶像之一@ster:百万现场!