summer pockets

Summer Pockets is a Japanese visual novel video game developed by Key, a brand of VisualArt's. It was released on June 29, 2018 for Windows and is rated for all ages.

Summer Pockets is Key's 13th game.


Na-Ga is the chief artist and character designer, and additional character designs are provided by Izumi Tsubasu and Nagayama Yuunon. Chibi characters are designed by engiyoshi.


External links

Summer Pockets是由VisualArt品牌Key开发的日本视觉小说视频游戏。它于2018年6月29日发布,用于Windows,并被评为所有年龄段的人。

Na-Ga是首席艺术家和角色设计师,由Izumi Tsubasu和Nagayama Yuunon提供了其他角色设计。 Chibi角色由Engiyoshi设计。
类型 作品
英文名 summer pockets
日文名 サマーポケッツ
别名 ;SummerPockets;サマポケ;夏日口袋